A Sanctuary in the Hora of Illyrian Apollonia: Excavations at the Bonjakët Site (2004–2006)
In the years 2004–2006, a joint team from the International Centre for Albanian Archaeology in Tirana, Albania, the Institute of Archaeology in Tirana, and the University of Cincinnati conducted excavations in the plain west of the walls of the ancient Greek colony of Apollonia, a short distance to the southwest of the modern village of Pojan. The site lies almost entirely within a complex of farm buildings known locally as Bonjakët. This volume represents the full publication of the results of three campaigns of excavation at the site. The new excavations discovered and documented a previously unknown monumental temple and have made it possible to describe for the first time the material remains of Greek rituals as practiced at the time of, or not long after, the foundation of Apollonia.
Front Matter
A History of Exploration at the Bonjakët Site w/Appendix
The Geological and Geographical Setting of the Bonjakët Site
Excavation and Stratigraphy w/Appendix
The Faunal Remains
The Marine and Terrestial MolluscsA Taphonomic Study
Landscape, Vegetation, and Plant Use at the Bonjakët SanctuaryMacrobotanical Remains from the Excavation
The Pottery w/Appendices and Concordance
The Figurines w/AppendixA Stratigraphical and Typological Overview
The Small Finds
The Temple, The History of the Site, and Cult Practice
The Bonjakët Site in Retrospect
Ceramic Dates of Deposits by Trench
References Cited (included w/each chapter)